Getting started
After your arrival, the International Office will assist you with many administrative tasks, such as registering with the local authorities, organizing housing, and opening a German bank account (if necessary). Your Welcome Days will also include various social activities, sightseeing tours, and sessions to develop your intercultural competence. We look forward to helping you settle into your student life in Heilbronn.
Here is some more information about important things you should know and some things you need to take care of before coming here.
Visa, residence permit and municipal registration
Students from EU-countries: Students from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and from some other countries may enter Germany and remain for more than 90 days for academic purposes. These students do not require a visa, however, they must register upon arrival with the municipal authority and provide a valid passport or ID card as documentation. We will assist you with this registration at city hall during the orientation weeks.
Students from Non-EU countries: German law requires that non-EU nationals apply for a Student Visa (Visum für Studienzwecke) and/or a resident permit. The requirements differ by country. Please contact the German Embassy or the German Consulate General in your home country to obtain the latest information. The websites of the German Federal Office and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are good sources of information regarding visa regulations. Non-EU nationals must apply for student visas in their home countries. They may need to supply proof of financial support for the purposes of registration.
The German Embassy that issues your visa will send the visa application directly to the Alien Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde) of the German town in which you wish to reside. Once you arrive in Germany, you must present your visa to the appropriate office where it will be converted to a residence permit for the purpose of studying. The International Office will assist you in this matter during the orientation weeks. Please make sure that you have all required documents with you when entering Germany.
Since the visa process can be lengthy, we recommend that you inform yourself about the entry regulations which apply to your country well in advance of the intended start of your studies. Do not enter Germany with a tourist visa as you cannot convert it to a residence permit for studies, you will have to return to your home country to change your visa status.
Note for all applicants: The International Office assists students with residence authorization, however, students are reminded that they bear individual responsibility for the prompt and proper completion of the permit and visa process.
Bank account
It can be useful to open a bank account in Germany to pay your rent, pay for your health insurance and withdraw money free of charge at any of your bank’s ATM machines. We noticed, though, that more and more students use an Online Bank. Should you continue to use you home bank, please, consult your bank to learn how to organize your finances remotely. If you wish to open a bank account in Germany, we will assist you in this matter during the orientation weeks. Information for Non EU- Students: If you are eligible for a scholarship in Germany, you may have to open a German bank account in order to receive scholarship payments. Note that in certain cases visa applicants may need to open a special type of bank account (blocked account) to demonstrate access to sufficient financial resources during studies at DHBW Heilbronn.
Costs and scholarship
EU students and exchange students with existing cooperation agreements pay no tuition fee to enroll at DHBW Heilbronn. In 2017, the Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg introduced tuition fees for non-EU students from universities without exchange agreements. If you are a free mover who is interested in participating in the Heilbronn International Program, please contact us for more information. Heilbronn International Program participants contribute to costs of study trips during the semester. This covers train tickets and other expenses for excursions (such as accommodation and guided tours in Berlin). In addition, all students at the DHBW are required to pay a semester fee. The budget necessary to finance your life in Heilbronn will depend very much on your accommodation and your lifestyle. Opportunities for a scholarship may vary from year to year and information will be forwarded to the International Office of the partner university. Students may also contact the International Office at the DHBW directly. Student mobility stipends within the Erasmus+ Programme are administered by the student´s home university.
Estimated expenses
- Accommodation (monthly): EUR 350-600
- Food (monthly): EUR 200-350
- Health insurance (monthly): (depends on provider) around EUR 120
- Student fees (once): EUR 110
- Excursion fees (duration of stay): EUR 250
Health insurance
Health Insurance is mandatory for those who wish to study in Germany. Students should obtain proper health insurance before traveling to Germany.
Students from EU-countries: As a student from an EU-country, you can prove coverage of health insurance with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). You must obtain the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from your health insurance provider in your home country prior to coming to Heilbronn. Your insurance company will usually issue the EHIC free of charge. The EHIC will enable you to use most public facilities for healthcare (such as going to the doctor’s). Please note, though, that insurance with EHIC may not cover all costs in Germany (some services, e.g. dental treatments are not covered). Therefore, an additional private health insurance may be useful. If you are not eligible to receive the EHIC, you need to buy coverage of a German Statutory Health Insurance just like the students from non-EU countries.
Students from non-EU countries: Students have to join a German Statutory Health Insurance, which can already be organized prior to their studies at home. We will send you further information after your application has been approved. Please contact us if you wish for more detailed information before your application. If students wish to purchase an international insurance, the insurance policy has to be reviewed and approved to ensure that the coverage is identical to a German insurance.
Travel insurance and personal liability
We recommend travel insurance and personal liability insurance for all students. Personal liability insurance covers cases of liability for injury or damage to other persons or their property. It does not cover damages caused by your car (you need automotive insurance for this), but it covers liability for damage caused, for example, when riding a bicycle or breaking a window. A travel insurance is especially necessary for non-European students, who plan to travel in other European countries.